Sacred Healing Services

Sacred Energy Work is my honor to be able to offer the collective. As a clear vessel, I hold the Infinite Source LoveLight for you to realize the self-healing potential of You. With all the sessions we offer, it is your Higher Self which is the older wiser version of You, your Soul is conducting all the healing and providing all the guidance along with the aide of Divine Mother, Divine Father, Source, the ArchAngels, Higher Selfs and Ascended Maters. If you are new to sacred energy work and don’t know where to begin it is our suggestion that you first schedule a RAAH Reiki session. In a RAAH, it is very similar to a guided meditation session as oftentimes our clients get so relaxed they may fall asleep. Much self-healing can be done through a RAAH Reiki Session. So what is RAAH? Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing or RAAH is an entity removal technique which birthed forth from the Universes sacred mysteries and knowledge. AURA PastLife Regression Hypnosis however, is where the potentials for self-healing is infinite as these sessions offer the potential for deep, clear connection with your higher self.

We are accepting bookings with payment plan options. Be mindful that if you build a package, you may only schedule the AURA Session or RAAH Session. We will always conduct a RAAH session first then followed by an AURA at 2 separate appointments. Ensuring we provide plenty of sacred rest time between sessions.